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Hiking and scouts

Hiking and scouts

You love nature, company, adventure or you take photos? You don’t move enough?

If you’ve recognized yourself, become a member of one of our hiking associations and join us in new adventures.

Mountaineering is an activity in which all family members can be engaged, regardless of age and gender.

Horizont VG Mountaineering Club

Address: Matije Slatinskog 4, Velika Gorica
Meetings: Every Thursday 19:30 to 21:00
Information: 091 506 44 11, 095 804 24 20

”Velika Gorica" Hiking Society

Address: 19 Dmitar Zvonimir Street 19, Velika Gorica
Meetings: Center for Children, Youth and Family, 48 Kurilovečka, every Wednesday from 19-21
President: Sinisa Petkovic (098 / 9420-585)
Secretary: Ronald Filipovic (098 / 9471-721)

Scouts troop Tur

Mob: 091/25 30 039
