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Would you like to have a recreation and spend some pleasant moments with your friends? Besides, you are a ”tennis fan”. If your answer is positive, give yourself up to competition and companionship on the tennis courts of three tennis clubs in Velika Gorica:

TC Brcko

Address: 74 Rakarska, Velika Gorica
Phone: 6223-132

  • 4 open tennis courts
  • 2 courts under a balloon construction in winter
  • Find refreshments within the club premises

TC Plemenitaš

Address: 21 Kralja S.Tomaševića Street, Velika Gorica
Phone: 6216-950

  • 6 open tennis courts
  • 1 closed tennis court

TC Velika Mlaka

Address: Karla Weingartnera Street, Velika Mlaka
Phone: 6235-929

  • 3 closed tennis courts (2 balloon constructions and 1 hall)
  • 4 open tennis courts
  • five-a-side football ground
  • sauna
  • find refreshments in the café bar Ribnjak
  • organization of lunch or dinner possible