It's a unique monument of human labour, erected in the forest called „Turopoljski lug“. The forests brought in huge income to the Noble Commune of Turopolje, and that is the reason why they were carefully preserved and kept. But the people of Turopolje were forced to clear the forests to create more arable land and meadows. After one such clearance in Turopoljski lug, which lasted from 1774 to 1779, the land was divided into 1600 parcels of equal size, according to the entitled rights. As a tribute to this successful endeavour, the people of Turoplje built “The Timber Gate”, so called, "Vrata od krča"- two wooden pillars with the big beam that joins it at the top. During the big flood in 1914 the gate was pulled down. It was restored and put up again in 1916.